On ‘treating’ homosexuality
I saw this tiny article in ‘The star’ last year and it got me thinking – do people actually attempt to ‘treat’ homosexuality? The answer is yes. However, the ‘treat
What’s wrong with me?
Coming to terms with same sex attraction Gay rights activists might be irritated by an article discussing why some people are gay and many scientists argue that such research shoul
Rise of HIV in Kenya is driven by homophobia
In a small article in today’s Daily Nation (12th August 2013), ‘The wag’ argued against the general statement that the gay community has some of the highest HIV p
STI research in Ganjoni, Mombasa
As a result of the mortality resulting from the HIV-AIDS epidemic, even researchers have not paid much attention to other STI’s outside of HIV research. ‘It is very hard to
Sexually transmitted diseases – it’s not just HIV
Once HIV reared its head, with its devastating effects — all other Sexually transmitted infections faded into the background. Many young adults have little idea about the dev
Royal Society Pfizer award for Salmonella research
The say a great prophet is never recognized in his home….that can be said of all great people. A Kenyan scientist won the most prestigious science award on the continent in 2